














"4.5 month" can abriviate "4.5 M"?

答えは以下。なるほどダメらしい💦 ということで4.5 monthsにした。

No, it's not standard to abbreviate "4.5 months" as "4.5 M." Typically, "M" is used to refer to "million" in many contexts (e.g., 5M for 5 million), so using "M" for months could cause confusion.

For clarity, it’s best to write "4.5 months" or "4.5 mo" if you want a shorter version.


"Sep. 2006 – Jan. 2007 (4.5 month) " is appropriate for presenting in a slide?


In a presentation slide, it would be clearer and more professional to write it as:

"Sep 2006 – Jan 2007 (4.5 months)"

Here’s why:

"Sep." can be written without the period in many contexts, especially in slides or informal documents, though it is still acceptable with the period. "4.5 months" is the correct and clearer way to express the duration, as opposed to "4.5 month," which sounds a bit awkward and might cause confusion. This format is concise yet still easily understandable for your audience.


"情報学科の2年生 7名 (学内公募)" を英語のスライドで書くとすると?


"7 second-year students from the Department of Informatics (internal recruitment)"

This translation maintains clarity and conciseness for an English slide. Here's the breakdown:

"情報学科" = "Department of Informatics" "2年生" = "second-year students" "7名" = "7 students" "学内公募" = "internal recruitment" (assuming the students were recruited from within the institution) Feel free to adjust it depending on the specific context of your slide!

しかもsecond-year studentsって小学2年生って思われるっていう情報も見たことがあったので聞いてみた。

"second-year students" generally indicate elementary school students?


"Second-year students" typically refers to students in their second year of a specific level of education, but the level can vary depending on the context.

In higher education (e.g., universities), "second-year students" refers to students in their second year of study (i.e., sophomores). In primary or secondary education (elementary and middle schools), "second-year students" would generally refer to students in their second year of school, but that would be more commonly stated as "second grade" or "second graders" in the U.S. In your case, since you’re referring to university students in the "Department of Informatics," it's clear that "second-year" refers to college sophomores. However, if you want to avoid any confusion for an international audience, you can explicitly specify "university" or "college" to make it clear:

"Second-year university students" "Second-year students at the Department of Informatics" This ensures that it's clear you're talking about university-level students.


In my slide, "second-year students" or "sophomores", which one shoud I use?

回答は以下。なるほど。オーディエンスが米国出身者ならsophomoresの方がええけど、そうじゃないなら、という話か。今回の聴衆はどちらかというとアジアだろうから"second-year students"で良さそうだな。個人的にも直感はそっちだし。

For your slide, "second-year students" is generally the better choice, especially if your audience includes non-native English speakers or individuals unfamiliar with U.S. college terminology. "Second-year students" is universally understood in an academic context, regardless of location.

"Sophomores" is more common in the U.S. but can be unfamiliar to some international audiences, especially in non-English-speaking countries or places where different educational systems are used.

So, to ensure maximum clarity, I’d recommend using:

"7 second-year students from the Department of Informatics (internal recruitment)" This keeps it simple and clear for a wide audience.


スライドに「1 year training on C, not Database (SQL)」と書きたい。問題ないか?


Your phrase "1 year training on C, not Database (SQL)" is mostly clear, but it can be improved for better clarity and professionalism. Here's a refined version:

"1 year of training in C, not in Database (SQL)"

Why this works: "1 year of training" sounds more natural in English than "1 year training." "in C" and "in Database (SQL)" make the subject of the training more precise and grammatically correct. Using "not in" keeps the contrast clear and smooth. This would be well-understood in an English presentation.


1 year は One yearとしなくてよいか?


You don’t need to write "One year" instead of "1 year" in your slide. In fact, using "1 year" is quite common in presentations or slides because it’s concise and clear. However, if you want a slightly more formal tone or full expression, you could use "One year," but it's not strictly necessary.

So, both options are fine:

"1 year of training in C, not in Database (SQL)" "One year of training in C, not in Database (SQL)" In most presentation slides, the shorter version ("1 year") is completely acceptable and often preferred for brevity.


質問「作業時間を英語スライドで書きたい、なんといえば?」今回は時間帯なのでWorking hoursを選択した。


"Work hours" 一般的な表現で、作業に費やした時間を指します。 例: "Total work hours" (総作業時間)

"Working hours"主に仕事をしている時間帯や期間を指す場合に使います。 例: "Project working hours" (プロジェクト作業時間) (省略)


"Monday to Friday"最も一般的でシンプルな表現です。 例: "The office is open from Monday to Friday." (オフィスは月曜日から金曜日まで開いています。)

"Monday through Friday"「月曜日から金曜日まで」という意味で、少しフォーマルな感じがしますが、日常的にも使われます。 (省略)


質問「もっと短くかくと?」 うーん、なんか違う。

もっと短く表現する場合、以下のように書けます: "Mon-Fri" これが最も簡潔で広く使われる形式です。 (省略)

質問「weekday とはいわない?」 失礼しました💦 ということで、"Monday to Friday"にしました。

「weekday」という言葉も使えますが、通常は「月曜日から金曜日」を示す際には、"Monday to Friday" や "Mon-Fri" の方が自然で一般的です。 (省略)

質問「18~22時の4時間を英語スライドで書くとすると?」 ほうほう、一番それっぽい"6 PM – 10 PM (4 hours)"を選択しました。

18時から22時の4時間を英語で表現する場合、以下のように書くとよいでしょう: "6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (4 hours)" 最もシンプルで明確な表現です。 "6 PM – 10 PM (4 hours)" 時間の範囲を短縮した形式です。 (省略)




ということで、はよ終わらせないと。。。正月がなくなる。。。💦 こんなことよりもっと制作でやりたいキューがたまりまくっている。