

AWS Educateでのスタータアカウントの登録方法(2021年1月4日〜)



そこにAmazonが対応してくれたのがこのAWS Educateというプログラムなのです。はい。




AWS EducateによるAWS Starterアカウントでクレジットが無くなったあとについて - memorandums 昨年まで使用していたCloud9が今年一杯でなくなるので、今春からAWSを授業で利用してきました。ただ、通常のAWSアカウ


AWSアカウントが無い学生の方がAWS Educateに参加しCloud9を使う方法 | Amazon Web Services AWS Educateは14歳以上の学生の方であればどなたでも参加できるクラウド学習プログラムです。実習も含まれますので実



個人ブログやAmazon Educateのサイトにも古い情報が山ほどありますし、この改定について告知のページは見つかっていません。たぶんあると思いますが。。。僕はAWS Educateをこれまで利用した教員として昨年の12月14日に改定に関するメール(下記)を受け取っていましたが。。。見事にスルーしていました。

とりあえずこの改定をご存知ない方でAWS Educateを利用してAWSの利用を予定している教員・学生の方に注意して欲しいのでこのエントリーを書き始めています。


(1)学生さんがAWS Educateのサイトにアクセスして、スターターアカウントを作成する。





ポリシー改定のお知らせでAWS Eduacateから受け取ったメール

ご参考まで、Amazon Educateから昨年12月14日に受け取ったメールを以下に転載します。概要がわかるのではないかと思います。英語ですので、必要な方は翻訳にかけてください。この情報を示すページがAWSにないかググったのですが見つかりませんでしたので。。。メールを転載することになりました。

Important Changes to AWS Educate Starter Accounts for Students

We are writing to make you aware of an important upcoming change to the way AWS Educate provides access to the AWS Console for students. Starting January 4, 2021, AWS Educate Starter Accounts will only be granted to students who join AWS Educate through two methods:

Educator-initiated channels, including AWS Educate Classrooms and a Learning Management System invite link

Promotional links from AWS Educate approved collaborators, including but not limited to: Pearson, Edhesive, Project Lead the Way, FIRST, GitHub, and edX

This change will impact all students who join AWS Educate after January 4, 2021. There will be no changes to the educator portal or methods of requesting AWS Promotional Credits for students.

Additional information on these channels and ways to support your students in their learning can be found in the below FAQs.

Thank you,

The AWS Educate Team


What is an AWS Educate Starter Account?

An AWS Educate Starter Account provides access to an AWS account with a preset limit on your spend on AWS services. An AWS Educate Starter Account is run and managed by a third party (Vocareum, Inc.) and the Starter Account runs in Vocareum’s environment on AWS. Use of Starter Accounts are subject to a separate agreement between you and Vocareum under separate terms and conditions. The AWS Educate Starter Account provides access to most but not all AWS services. Educators at an AWS Educate member institutions may receive up to $150 (USD) of AWS Promotional Credits per year in their AWS Educate Starter Account, and educators at non-member institutions may receive up to $50 (USD) of AWS Promotional Credits per year. Use of AWS Promotional Credits are subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions set forth at You do not need a credit card to use a Starter Account because AWS Promotional Credits are already available in the account. When your usage of AWS services exceeds the balance on the account, the account is closed and any running services or other resources on the account are lost.

As an Educator how can I invite students to AWS Educate?

Log into AWS Educate and click on the “Classrooms & Credits” tab to select from the following:
AWS Educate Classrooms: A hands-on learning environment for your students to practice on AWS.
Learning Management System (LMS) Invite link: Streamline the process students use to access AWS Educate through a simple integration with your LMS.
What are AWS Educate Classrooms?

Classrooms let you create a virtual space for students to learn about the cloud in a hands-on environment. Each classroom is tailored to a different topic, including cloud basics, scalable websites, and Starter Account services.

How do I request an AWS Educate Classroom?

To request a Classroom, log into AWS Educate and select “Classrooms & Credits” and follow these three steps: Step 1: select from pre-built classroom templates with AWS Cloud Basics or Building Scalable Websites. If you'd like to replicate all services available within an AWS Educate Starter Account, then choose the Starter Account Template. Step 2: Enter Classroom details such as course description, numbers of students, and request an allocation of AWS Promotional Credits for students. Step 3: Upload a list of email addresses to invite students to join the Classroom, monitor usage, and view activity.

How many AWS Promotional Credits do students receive with an AWS Educate Classroom?

Students may receive an AWS Promotional Credit amount of $50 for AWS Educate Classroom. In order to request a larger amount, you will need to provide details, including a detailed description of the class and assignment/project. If a student reaches their cap in an AWS Educate Classroom, a onetime $20 credit extension may be activated, allowing them to complete and/or save any important work.

What is a Learning Management System (LMS) Invite link and how do I request a link?

An LMS link streamlines the process students use to access AWS Educate through a simple integration with your LMS. Sign in to AWS Educate, click “Classrooms & Credits”, select “AWS Educate and Your LMS,” click “Request to Connect New Course,” and fill out the details and submit your request. Requests are typically reviewed within four business days.

What are some activities students can do in the AWS Console?

Check out the AWS Educate: Hands-on Activities Guide or sign in to your AWS Educate account and access the “Getting Started Resource Center” to learn more.

I’ve heard AWS Educate renews AWS Promotional Credits for AWS Educate student members on an annual basis. Will existing AWS Educate students receive these additional AWS Promotional Credits?

AWS Educate student members who joined AWS Educate prior to January 4, 2021 may receive additional AWS Promotional Credits only if they joined AWS Educate through one of the two methods above.

I have questions that aren’t answered here. Where can I go to ask my question?

If you have additional questions, you may contact us at

For additional resources, check out the Educator Getting Started Guide by logging into AWS Educate and selecting “Professional Resources” and “Getting Started with AWS Educate”.